
In our rapidly developing and uncertain world, fast, reliable WiFi has never been more important. Whether you're working from home, on-the-go, or watching your favourite shows after a long day, your WiFi connection is key to keeping you connected, productive, and entertained.

We can extend and boost your WiFi coverage, set up seamless roaming throughout your home, bypass structural issues, and even ensure connection to exterior buildings, (e.g. garages, sheds, guest flats, etc.)

WiFi Issues

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) supply standard, low-spec routers. These may be fine if you are next to the router, and not many people are connected at the same time, but what happens when you and your family are trying to work from home, watch a movie, and video chat at the same time?

That is when things start to slow down.

These routers often are not powerful enough to pass through walls and ceilings, meaning as you get further away, your signal begins to drop.

We can make these issues a thing of the past. Ciz ICT offers the latest in wired and wireless solutions to give you the best WiFi signal throughout your home.

A Ubiquiti Wireless Access Point (UAP) installed in a home by Ciz ICT

Share My WiFi

Installing internet data cables in rural areas, or across long stretches of your land can be costly and difficult, as this often requires digging or unsightly and dangerous overhead cabling.

However, if you have a live WiFi connection in your home, we can make this available to any building with a clear line-of-sight to it.

For example, we can wirelessly beam the WiFi signal to the building at the end of your garden. Giving you the opportunity to work, exercise, or make the building available for rent.

Another example is making a live CCTV camera feed available on your Smartphone. You’ll need an internet connection in the cameras location for that, and we can make that happen for you!

We use industry leading long range Point-to-Point WiFi Technology to enable you to share your connection up to several kilometres away, allowing you to stay connected no matter where you are.

Let's Get Started!

Call Cillian today on ​01 912 5130 or ​066 716 5020, email [email protected], or book a one to one video or phone call below to find out how we can help with all your tech needs.